Glade Tin Design Contest

For the past seven weeks (since the end of September 2009) I've been working as a judge for the Glade Tin Design Contest. Anyone can go online (I should say "could" technically since it's over) and "design" a tin based off of different shapes and colors given. Of the 100,737 entries I judged, maybe 50 of them were decent. That's just sad. I can't tell you how many times I'd see the exact same "design" and, yes, they were by different people.

This has to be one of my favorite entries that I've read. The person titled it "Splat" and the description reads, "I don't understand how to do this. Obviously." Really? You think you even have a chance in the world to win if you write a dumb ass description like that!? I wish those people wouldn't have even entered the contest. Waste of my time.

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